Thank you
so much for your thorough and good feedback
@Mihai! I really appreciate it
Problem 1: Postprofile non-centered nameWow, I thought I fixed that! I'll fix this asap
Problem 2: PrintingThat's not something I added. It's a phpBB feature that I have to accommodate for. Yes, you're only supposed to print the text - if you print everything else it's a waste of ink. No, you're not supposed to have any way to return to the forum, because that is not needed for a printed version. That is also a waste of ink.
Problem 3: Registration proceed to next stepThis I don't understand. If you click the "I agree to these terms" button then you do proceed to the next stem. What seems to be the problem?
Problem 4: Search resultsGood catch, and another one I thought I already had fixed. I'll add some margin to the bottom
Problem 5: Header color random optionI didn't understand this either. What does
random option mean?
Problem 6: I forgot my password & Resend activation emailWhen you make phpBB themes you are not allowed to hard-code language. That's so you don't have to edit any English words in the code if you use the theme on an Arabic or Romanian or Norwegian forum. Still, I agree that the links could be improved, and will have a line break between those two links.
Problem 7: Post time placementAgree to disagree! I like it in the middle and spent quite some time placing it there. Especially to make it look like this on small screens, which I - humble as I am - think looks pretty good
Problem 8: Jump to-buttonGood and very important catch! Gotta fix that asap.
Problem 9: Login button backgroundAgree to disagree! I like it as text only, and it draws more attention to the register button (which makes it more likely for new members to register, according to UX psychology hehe)