So, create a new javascript code and add this content
- Code:
var r='.post:eq(0) .i_icon_edit';if(jQuery('.posthead h2 img[src!="SUBJECTICON"]:eq(0)').length&&jQuery(r).length){jQuery(p.posting').append(' <a href="'+jQuery(r).parent().attr('href')+'&solved=true"><img src=BUTTONFORMOD></a>')};if(location.href.match(/&solved=true/)){jQuery('form[name="post"]').append('<input type=hidden name=post_icon value=ICONID>');p=document.getElementById('post_icon_ICONID');if(p){p.checked=true};jQuery('input[name="attach_sig"]').attr('checked',false);jQuery('.submit-buttons input[name="post"]').click()};
BUTTONFORMOD with the image link that will be seen to hide the topic (seen in the topics)
SUBJECTICON with an icon that will be used only for moderator topics (create a subject icon in the ACP)
ICONID with the id of the subject icon (the first icon is 1, the second 2, etc...) without counting the default one tha is the number 0
Actually, this code will change the subject icon to the one you set if someone click on the button
for now, tell me if this works