Design:It's a quite design. But I prefer a different skin. Also, the text color is kinda of frustrating or hard to read, because it camouflages. I got to admit, that's a pretty awesome logo you have there. Did you do the design? If so, you're good at it (Photoshop). The navigation bar isn't so great. Try to have the same font as your forum's text. That way it'll match and it'll look way better. I like how you actually have important widgets on the forum ;). One thing I recommend, don't show the sub-forums and moderators, doesn't really look that nice. Also, the forum icons don't really match the forums. Try having a Pokemon ball, or something at least related to your forum. (purpose)
Rate: (Average)
Activity:The activity, seems to be okay. There's about 6 forums (Categories, sections) that don't have topics or posts for (either) yesterday, or today. I think, there should be at least 3 days of nothing new such as posts or threads. One, thing I recommend try to have Art/design contest or something that will make your users post in does forums. One thing, I don't get is that, they don't really post in the POKEMON Category, isn't your forum a Pokemon forum? Instead they are posting more in the Games, and General Talk. (General Category).
Rate: Users & Groups (Staff):First of all, the legend isn't really amazing, since you have other groups in front of the real staff as Administrators, and Moderators. I suggest of placing them in order from highest power to the lowest power. I don't know why, you have a lot of Staff, just trying having Moderators, and make them, the Leaders of each other section, etc.
The Staff are quite active! Nice. Do you have the same Moderators, in the Admin Team?
Try keeping them, in one team. No point of having them in every group. Since, there Admins they have power to everything don't they? Besides all of this, nice Staff, they have an amazing amount of posting.